Insight. Healing. Growth

We Can Do This Together


We’ve all been through times when we feel lost, broken, disconnected and dissatisfied with where we are in life and we all deserve to be supported to work through difficult experiences. Maybe you are experiencing the effects of childhood and Intergenerational trauma, grief/loss, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, workplace difficulties, or have a nagging feeling that something is just not right.

As your therapist, I will meet you where you are to undertake this journey of exploration and growth in a collaborative and intentional way that we are able to address what brought you to therapy and, help you connect to your inner resources, understand yourself better, heal, and grow.

People of all sexual, gender, cultural identities, and belief systems welcome and celebrated. Contact me today if you are ready to embark on the journey to become the person you’ve always wanted to be! I offer online individual and couples counselling and psychotherapy services to clients located in Canada.


Meet Jaswir Dhillon

I work with individuals and couples who are experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression, grief/loss, relationship challenges, and career and workplace difficulties.

I am specialized in the treatment of childhood and intergenerational trauma. In addition to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood/developmental or intergenerational trauma may present as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, feelings of of disconnection from the self, others and the world, and a sense of dissatisfaction with where we are in life.

I can help you calm dysregulated nervous system responses, deepen your understanding of yourself, increase emotional awareness and improve emotional regulation, work with you to confront and shift self-limiting beliefs and response patterns, and help you cultivate self-acceptance and self-love.

I strive to provide you with an authentic, supportive, non-judgmental, and empathetic experience. I aim to make you feel validated, accepted, and understood and create a space where you feel safe to engage in deep and meaningful exploration, healing and change. I invite you to contact me should you feel that I may be a good fit to help you through the challenges you are experiencing. It would be my honour to walk alongside you on your journey towards healing and growth!

Work With Me

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is right for you if you feel that something (trauma, stress or something else) is preventing you from experiencing satisfaction in your relationships, you are struggling with anxiety and depression, you experience shame and feelings of unworthiness, and you are finding it challenging to move towards living the life that you desire.

Together we will begin to understand your struggles, create meaning out of your experiences, heal trauma, enhance self-esteem, develop greater self-acceptance and self-compassion, and move towards a life of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is right for you if want to work through challenges in your relationship, develop a deeper understanding of your partner and develop a greater capacity to your partner’s needs so that you can experience a satisfying relationship with each other.

Together we will begin create the space to listen and communicate effectively with each other, develop greater intimacy and step into vulnerable spaces together. We will work to co-create a relationship dynamic that honours each of you as individuals and strengthens you as a couple.

Intergenerational Trauma

If you have been feeling that you are carrying the burden of traumatic experiences that do not belong to you, and you feel trapped by fears and beliefs that do not fit your lived experience, you may be experiencing the effects of intergenerational trauma.

Together we will explore the origin of your phobias, fears, or self-limiting beliefs by looking at the legacy that you may have inherited from the generations before you, and work through the impact of the inherited trauma so that you can free yourself and future generations from traumas of the past.

Contact Me

Dhillon Psychotherapy provides online counselling and psychotherapy services to clients residing in Canada.

I invite you to ask me any questions you may have for me or book a free 15-minute consultation by filling out the form below!