Individual Therapy

I would be honoured to support you in your journey if you find yourself experiencing any of the following:

  • Anxiety, worries, fears, panic and a sense that no matter what you do things will always remain the same

  • Depression or deep, unexplained sadness

  • Grief about not having the life you had envisioned for yourself, no matter how hard you tried to make it a reality

  • Dysfunctional beliefs and unhelpful automatic behaviour patterns that seem to reinforce feelings of dissatisfaction and feeling stuck

  • Issues with self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence

  • Feelings of dissatisfaction in romantic and family relationships

  • Strong desire to make a life change but it feels daunting and scary

  • Career dissatisfaction, trouble identifying career goals and feeling a lack of satisfaction and fulfillment at work

  • Feeling a lack of personal growth and questioning the meaningfulness of day-to-day living

  • Feelings of spiritual stagnation, that there is a lack of spiritual growth or no energy to pursue spiritual and personal development

Together we will work to bring awareness to and move past self-limiting beliefs, help you develop insight, self-acceptance and self-compassion, enhance self-esteem, work through symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve emotional awareness and emotional regulation, heal from childhood/developmental trauma and find a sense of purpose and meaning so that you can experience a happy, meaningful and satisfying life.